Sales Skills Audit

The new buzzword for sales management is 'sales enablement.'

And so, as the role evolves so does the recognition of best practices in sales enablement, what skills are required, and what success looks like. One common theme in best practice is that of being scientific with all elements of management.

Gone is the anxiety, guesswork, and peeking through the blinds wondering what they are up to. This is all about being proactive, because 'reactive' in sales means firefighting, and it is nearly always too late by this point.

One excellent tool for scientific sales enablement is that of sales skills assessment tools. An excellent example is Sales Skills Audit (

In less than 30 minutes you can assess over 50 essential selling skills and benchmark all of your sales executives against the global standards for sales – drawn from over 36,000 sales executives worldwide.

Armed with this data you can then map individual salespeople with their sales performance, percentage to the annual target, and some more relevant info about their performance.

For more information please call +38169 1387 487!


Professional selling skills


Sales “clinic“ – workshop only


Gourmet Networking


Sales coaching

Art of negotiating


Sales presentations


Selling for "non-selling" staff


Marketing for sales force

Key account management

Sales Skills Audit