Time management - How to get things done
Have you ever went to bed and tell yourself: There was enough time, I have finished everything? Sometimes it seems like science fiction and we all need 25th hour in a day. Why it is so important how we manage our time?
We offer different options for this training. The first part is always Time management. The last third of this training can be about goals, stress or projects. Depending on your needs we offer you different possibilities.
Option 1: Setting goals
Very often stress is common part of our day. Bad time management or lack of time is some of stress sources. This leads to loss of energy, productivity decrease and dissatisfaction. Besides that, it affects human relations and brings us waste of time. Stress sources are various. It is important to identify them and learn how to cope.
Option 2: Stress management
Stres je često sastavni deo svakog našeg dana. Loše upraljanje vremenom ili nedostatak vremena je jedan od uročnije pojave stresa. To dovodi do gubitka energije, smanjenja radnog učinka i nezadovoljstva. Pored toga narušava i medjuljudske odnose i dovodi do dodatnog gubitka vremena. Izvori stresa su mnogobrojni. Važno je da ih identifikujemo i naučimo da izadjemo na kraj sa njima.
Option 3: Project management
Often we are team members and part of large or small projects. In that situations it is necessary to organize properly, meet deadlines and set priorities and at the same time efficiently communicate with colleagues. Project management means coordination, planning, setting goals, leading team members and use resources in proper way.
Time management course benefits:
• You will understand yourself better and realize what is important to you
• You will learn what is proactive way of working, based on goals (unlike ad hoc actions and time management in crises)
• Easy defining and setting priorities
• Understanding how to lead different projects at the same time
• You will learn how to delegate in proper way and also keep good relations with colleagues
• Understanding yourself and how your personal work style affects work and communication
• Achieving work and private life balance
• You will practice, practice, practice..
Training duration:
- 1 day
For more information please call +38169 1387 487!